I hate trying on bikini's... I think that I can find a bikini that will just make my body look amazing... Haven't found one yet... Wierd:) Any suggestions... Please?!
Ok... Time now for some 2012... I will give you a review later. I will most likely fall asleep... I am a little sick too.
And mad... it was sooo nice out mon, tues, wed, friday, sat, and tuesday... I WAS OFF THURSDAY, SUNDAY, AND MONDAY!!! Unbelievable...
Oh well... My mum said it's good for my skin... But I'll rather look good now compared to 50 years from now??? Right??
Ok... time for the movie...
Alligator Hunting
We went alligator hunting!!! It was a good exercixe beacuse it was a good walk... But I was nervous all the time. It was scary... and you could really see the path that the gators take to cross the path that we were walkling on...
I was hoping that we would cross at the same time... It's not really a four was stop...
We sawa some gators, and it was pretty cool!!
Nice shrek water...
A little baby one...
Ohh... Big one...
Another big one...
Hanna and Martina were excited...
While I was mostly nervous...
Great day... Call me Alligator Dun-dee
Tillman's Birthday
Tillman and his girlfriend Kristen... Who I bu the way think looks like Lauren Conrad from the hills:)
Some poeple at the bar:)
AJ and Cait
Adam and Gus...Haha
Black velvet... Mmm... Guiness and cider
This time we took it a little easy... I can tell I am starting to get old:(
But some... and great food!!
My cute and lovely friend Caitlin... Ready fora sake bomb...
Soup.... A huuuge...Pot?! But it was goood!
Did Asian food get more popular lately... or is it just me that started to like it more? I feel like ten years ago people didn't eat as much sushi as now?
Old man
I want him!!!
I know this is gonna sound wierd... But I want him in for example the trunk of my car.
Imagine if I was in a bad mood, I could just open the trunk and see him pop up and I would be in a great mood...
But of course I won't do that to him... But I can always wish:)
He's super cute...!!!!
Remind me of this guy, but happier, skinnier, and a lot cuter. So I guess not at all:)
A great night...
I am having a pretty good day today!
-Went to work... Got a kiss this morning from the best boyfriend in the world...
-Was a little sick at work but it could be worse(?)
-Got home
-Went to Olive Garden
-Got home and had some beer
-Went to the baseball game (they won and I saw Nick Stanley)
-Got home and now finishing the movie up...
Now I'm at Renee's about to go to bed. Since she lives in my shed here:) haha... But bed so I can get up for work tomorrow.
Nice quote
I found this quote on one of my friends' blog... I liked it... So sorry for copying it. It felt like it was almost written TO me... I always worry a little too much... So now I'm not tonight:)
Jersey Shore
I saw that Jersey Shore is coming to Sweden. Oh no... I was trying to get away from it:)
Oh well... Enjoy. Every week there is a Jersey Shore theme party here now...
St. Patrick's Day Block Party
Anyhow... Today (Wednesday) is the actual St. Patrick's day, but the big party here in Lakeland was last Saturday. The block party was downtown, and it was fun. You just walked around between all the bars that were like blocked off, and drank beer. We had a lot of fun:)
Last year we had a pool here at our front yard and it was one of the best days ever. A really nice day, and we all had green drinks and a sign saying "honk for St. Patrick's Day". It was fun:)
This year the weather wasn't as good.... But we had fun:)
My "green" outfit wasn't as good this year, but at least I wore some green leggings.
A lot of pictures!!!
Mmm... Salad
I am trying to eat healthy... I need to get a "little smaller" for going back to Sweden. At least that's my goal. But I love food! :) And usually unhelathy stuff taste good...
But healthy stuff tastes good too. So me and Therese made a healthy dinner, and it was really really good. With a glass of wine... which is healthy too (?)
Avocado, red onion, pruscotto, cous cous, cherry tomato, artichoke, mozarella, and some balsamic vinegar
Ok... I'm sorry...
Hanna and Jackie outside of our hotel
Martina's outfit for the night?:)
Me and lovely Crooks
Nice shoe!
Girls going out
Molly and Martina at the beach
Crooks was a little... tired
Arpit and the ocean
This guy... Wierd...
Therese and Hanna
Me in Miami Beach
Nikki Beach
Great times. I love Miami...
A lovely day....
It was really really good. We had to wiat for our table for 55 minutes... But we had fun so it was all good:)
I've noticed how lucky I am to have Adam. The best:)
Anyway... Enough:P
Then we had an amazing dinner... I had a 50 dollar coupon, and my date stood for the rest. It was amazing and my Thursday could not have been better.
We were planning on watching up, but didn't end up doing that...
We were wrestling becasue he was tickeling me... And I fell. I fell right on his arm... with my whole weight ( a whole bunch) and now he complains that it is broken... Haha. It was HIS fault. And maybe he can't hold a bat today:) He's gone for the weekend to play basteket ball...
But our dinner was great... I can't believe I have never been there. So good... Dinner is so different in Sweden compared to here though... Everything. The athmospehere, pricing, spices, lay out, waiting time... Everything. But both is great...
Lovely day... Lovely times... and life is lovely...
Miss Adam
Great... Not... Tornado!
Of course there is Tornado warning in Osceola and Polk county. Where I work and live... Adam is out practicing... Hmm??! My and my roomates just lit some candles so now we're cuddling inside. Unfortunately... If there is a tornado... Or little house is gonna blow away:*
So cross your fingers (hold your thumbs if you're in Sweden) that the tornado won't hit us.
Now I'm gonna sociolize some...
My lovely roomate Sara was working with that movie. Helping out to promoting it... Or something. Pretty cool:) And I think it was so cool how it won so many oscars.
I haven't seen it... So now I kind of have to. Anyone seen it?
Talkling to my sister
That makes me miss home... And work asked me when I am going home:( Today was a great day at work... I will miss that place...
But talking to my family makes me miss home... So home it is:.. In May...
at this second...
And yes... You say hi/low odds like that. Since higher odds=less likely... and so on. Ok?! People seem so confused... But if you ever are... just ask me:) Because I'm always right:)
Big wine bottle:)
Sun with Caitlin
It's been freezing here in Florida... BUT!!! finally it is starting to get a little warmer.
Just before Spring break, me and Caitlin sat in the sun...
She wanted me to braid her hair... So I did:)
Roof climbing
When my friends were in Miami, I had to figure out some way to have fun anyway... So after Adam's game, we decided to do something fun. So we had a little party with a few people.
Then we also decided to climb the roof.... Wierd idea. We almost got caught... And it was one of my worst work outs ever (since we ran so much).
I was so nervous... I was hinding in a doorpost and could not breath for like two minutes while the "police officiers" were talking right behind me...
Somehow... we managed to come back safe, and it was a lovely night, even though I of course missed my friend in Miami:)
Somehow I managed to have a really good time anyway....
Blogging right now...
It's finally a little warmer... So now I don't have to wear long sleeves att the time... Even got some tan from Miami. This is just before Miami... Now I'm finally a little more tanned. Those pictures will show up later:)
Black Jumpsuite from Victoria's Secret
Shirt from Gap, shirts from Tommy Hilfiger, and my lovely shoes
Our seafood night
These are some pictures that I forgot to put up... From our seafood dinner before Spring break.
Her delicious shrimp mix
I am back...
My friend was a little down...
I hope she liked it...
Habachi grill
We thought we were gonna eat there, but we were going to some Japanese place. We had Habachi... And I've never had that before. It was so cool, so much fun and really really good food!!!
After the game
Three generations Miller
Wade posing after the game
One of my favorite things at the game was when Benzel got hit by a pitch, how he pretended to fight the picther. That made me laugh... And everyone else to...
Also how the 3rd baseman gave Colin Kaline a hug... That must be since his manager and Colin's grandpa:) Or maybe not manager... Idol.... whatever... Mr. Tiger:)
After dinner, I was really really full. But we decided to get in the Jacuzzi. It was cold out, so it felt really good to get in the warm water. There jacuzzi is so nice... and it was amazing. We had it on "color wheel" so the color of the water changed all the time... Nice:)
I hate tolls
Then we only had a five dollar bill, and of COURSE there is no person there to provide us with change. We pull off to the side to count EVERY little penny that we have, The toll is 75 cents, and we finally come up to 57 cents. Then there is a bike rider pulling up in front of us. I got scared... But Adam said that he is probably just pulling up his change.
But he took song long... Then he's walking over towards us... With his balck helmet on and it was dark out. So I got scared...
Adam though he was gonna ask for change, but he didn't...
Adam rolled down the window and then the guy just nod his head to have Adam reach out his hand. So he did dumb dumb... Adn the biker dropped a quarter (25 cents). "Here, just in case you need it". I offered the five dollar for change, but he didn't want any.
So perfect, the bike rider saved us a ticket!!
Thanks... Maybe I shouldn't be so biased:)
Busy week...
Now it is time to work out, andthen work... Tonight will be some updates...
-Getting money from a bike guy
-Dinner when the Japanese guy cook in front of you
-FSC vs. the Tigers baseball
-Talking to my friends in Miami Beach
-Climbing on the roof
-Laying out in the sun
-Having some amazing times with Renee
-Dyed my eye lashes
-And much more...
Time to go work out/