Sleepy head again...
Tomorrow is my day off, so I will update some more... About:
-The game
-Patrik surprising Lakeland with his appearance
-Anna Anka
-The Aspen House
-Fridas sota rost
-Senior Night
-Hey Jude lilla killen
Yes, that's it.
Don't be too excited. Haha...
Off to work!
Sleepy head
Ok... Today has been a busy day. I was planning on updating this, but I am now too tired. So instead of forcing myself to write, I am just gonna put my head on my pillow and meet John Blund (our sleepy cartoon in Sweden). Suprise visitor today too. Always fun.
Good night loves!!
Moe's Monday
I was suppose to start at 11 tomorrown, but they just called and asked if I could come in at 7 instead. SURE! It's early, but then I get off earlier too. Prefect, I can make it to the game then. I will update some more tomorrow. Have a great day. Now me and Adam are watching a movie, and I will most likely fall asleep... In like five minutes.
My sister
Halloween night
Halloween was fun, but not over expectations. I was so tired and felt a little sick, but it was still fun. I went to Wal Mart and party city to get my costume. I decided to a witch after all. So witch I was. We all got ready at my house aroung 4pm.
First we went to a house party, then I took a nap, then we went to my hosue some, then to another house party, then back to my house, than another house party, then kaus, then my house. Wow... it sounds like it was a day of 25 hours... AND IT WAS! Daylight saving och fall back... don't know wha it is called. So work today was a little tiring, but I went to bed early so it wasn't too bad at all.
All the parties was fun, and some costumes are just hillarious. Martina was a tampon, Jackie was just super cute, Adam and his friends... The "oldwoman guy" who had lost his dog, the blueman group. Unfortunately I could not take picture of it all. But here are some...
I love giving candy to the kids (wow, sounds pretty creepy), but they are just so cute. And I bought spider webb decorations for our house. So cute:)
Halloween popcorn from Mr. and Mrs. Miller
I'm a witch
My eye lashes
Patrick and Adam giving our candy
Me and Jackie
My costume my sophmore year
Aww... look at this cute kid
Super sperm
Me and my love
Prisoner and a doctor
haha... Martina.
Swineflue and me
Me and some workers
haha... The "oppostite" plug and plug in
me and Jack again
hahaha... I love this sign Swedish: LAX=Lacross
Blueman group
Adam got bit
The cutest pumpkin ever
Who had the best outfit? Or tanner legs
At Kaus
Erica at Kaus
Kara and Johnna
Therese, you crack me up...
"Kan vi inte gora nat mer idag an att bara dricka ol"-Linda
"Jo, vad ska vi dricka?"-Therese
"Can we something else today than just drinking... " -Linda
"Yes, what else do you want to drink" -Therese
Happy Halloween
Sorry for the slow update. Today is halloween. It is usually a great day, so I am excited. The question is... What should I dress up as? Me and Therese was planning on being Mario and Luigi, but we won't any more. So now what? I'm debating about three different ones
-Hippie (can borrow from Sara but maybe a little boring)
-Witch (maybe fun, cheap... Mut have to put it together)
-Wonder woman (then I still come back to the sexy, which I was trying to stay away from. But hey, it's hard not to be sexy:P Haha...)
Oh well... I'll see. I will take care of that today. Any suggestions?
Now it is time to take care of this day. It's early... But I am planning on doing all my errands so that I can then take a nap and relax. I work tomorrow at 11am, but that will technachly (spelling?) be 12pm since it is the day light saving, PERFECT!!
Now I'm gonna put the candy for the kids in a bowl, and put the pumpkins in the front yard.
Senior Night-Conference co- Winner Title-Game Against Rollins
On top of the great game, it is senior night. So tonight is a game in honor of the TWO seniors Renee and Therese.
So it is now time for me to run some errands: Get my Secret buddy gift for Sara, buy food for after the game, get a sandwich for Therese before the game, get stuff for halloween, candy for the little kids, and stuff for the seniors. I also want to lay out and need to shower. And laundry... Haha... I wish I was an octopus with 8 arms... So we'll see how much I get done. Have a great day!!
Me and the seniors
Working out
haha... Crazy woman
Halloween at work
Work was fun, I was tired and a lot of annoyed guests. I got two new medallias, so it was a great day:)
Today I am off, so no work until tomorrow when I am concierge.
Since I am concierge, I got two gift cards in the mail yesterday. One of $50 to one of the "talk of the town" restaurants, and on to celebration town tavern. So a total of $100. Made my day!!!!
Scary workplace
Emma... Talking to my alsklingast right now
!!!!I LOVE YOU!!!!
It's a rainy day
Monday night: Me, Crooks, and Erin was invited to soccer practice. So we played... Us and Bozy plus some of the players against the starting 11 for Thursdays game against Rollins. It was a lot of fun... I miss playing, especielly with these two lovely girls. It was a close game, but you could tell that we are "old". Not as fit as we used to:) But don'w worry, we'll be back. It was a lot of fun...
At the end of the game, it was pouring rain. I could not see at all, and the ball could not be played on the ground. It just stopped. So after we slid and I got grass everywhere!!!!
Tuesday and Wednesday have been rough, I am sore!!! Everywhere. Calfs, shoulders, arms, neck... Everything. I was kind of embarrassed, but when I talked to Crooks, she was too. GOOD:)
So now I need to work out to not be sore from just playing some soccer...
Me and Crooks... She changed, but I was still really wet!!
Bathroom is done
Trash is out... Nice:)
We went to the store yesterday me and T... Didn't get much done. We're trying to be funny rather than "sexy", because we knew that wouldn't happen:P And it is also boring to buy a already made costume... But neither of us is very... crafty. So I have no idea how this will end up:)
Em and Lexie
My favourite show... Even thou the green one is the best!
Everyone have made mistakes, right?
And everyone has some friend that they wished they talked more too?
I don't know... I think I am just wierd... But I'll do it anyway... I'm sorry:(
So now I'm gonna lay like this for a second
I got a card at work...
So cute:) They were probably drunk, but still:)
Haha... Cute guys:P
Patrick's favourite song... Don't know if he is serious or sarcastic... But I like it:)
And also this one of course
Out after work
We were here for a little bit, then we went to a house party... Before we went downtown for a little. Then back to here... Sleep another time??
Nej nej and Adam
Me and Renne at the house party
Good thing one of us is normal
Awww!! My lovely Ben!
My shoes
That's pretty... Especially Adam drewling?
Hahaha... This is what people came back with to our house. Why?
So what should we do??? Decorate out house with that pumpkin? Because I guess it is one of our neighbours?
Ah... My love!!
How cute... or not? Hahaha
Day party...
This is what is going on while I am at work... But I'm not missing out, right?:) It's ok... They are all so cute updating me through text messages. Love all you, tons!
Looks ok
Some game going on
Yes, we're girls...
Losing team I think?:)
Halloween (lots of pictures)
Halloween here compared to Sweden is different, or well... they are becoming more similar here now. Overallt thou... In Sweden you are something more halooweenie(?). Like a vampire, ghost and so on. Here... you are just trying to be a big of a slut as possible... Both versions are interesting though...
Beach, ghost, a drunk pumpkin, a pirate pumkin and the GREAT pumpkin
Haha... the drunk one cracks me up...
Some outfits
Love these girls
A little bit of everything
A cat:)
Mile high/high mile captain (10 000 m klubben)
haha... My first year
here... I am a homewrecker... And good thing we only see the face:)
I am sad... I could not find many pictures... No idea where they are. Probably on my broken laptop. And facebook took too long to lookthrough:)