Therese, you crack me up...

We are in our back yard drinking at the moment and it is 11.30 am. We've been up since 8.55am. And for you how know me... I am a slight form of ADD, I can not sit still and do "nothing". So this was our conversation...

"Kan vi inte gora nat mer idag an att bara dricka ol"-Linda
"Jo, vad ska vi dricka?"-Therese
"Can we something else today than just drinking... " -Linda
"Yes, what else do you want to drink" -Therese

Happy Halloween


Sorry for the slow update. Today is halloween. It is usually a great day, so I am excited. The question is... What should I dress up as? Me and Therese was planning on being Mario and Luigi, but we won't any more. So now what? I'm debating about three different ones

-Hippie (can borrow from Sara but maybe a little boring)
-Witch (maybe fun, cheap... Mut have to put it together)
-Wonder woman (then I still come back to the sexy, which I was trying to stay away from. But hey, it's hard not to be sexy:P Haha...)

Oh well... I'll see. I will take care of that today. Any suggestions?

Now it is time to take care of this day. It's early... But I am planning on doing all my errands so that I can then take a nap and relax. I work tomorrow at 11am, but that will technachly (spelling?) be 12pm since it is the day light saving, PERFECT!!

Now I'm gonna put the candy for the kids in a bowl, and put the pumpkins in the front yard.


Senior Night-Conference co- Winner Title-Game Against Rollins

Tonight is a really important soccer game. We are playing Rollins, which is one of our main rivals. They are #8 in the country at the moment, so it will hopefully be a really good game. If they win, they get the regular season title, and if we win we tie with Florida Tech. So is is kind of a final, and FIT are probably cheering for us.

On top of the great game, it is senior night. So tonight is a game in honor of the TWO seniors Renee and Therese.

So it is now time for me to run some errands: Get my Secret buddy gift for Sara, buy food for after the game, get a sandwich for Therese before the game, get stuff for halloween, candy for the little kids, and stuff for the seniors. I also want to lay out and need to shower. And laundry... Haha... I wish I was an octopus with 8 arms... So we'll see how much I get done. Have a great day!!

Me and the seniors

Working out

Today is such a hot day... I can not run.. So a walk it is...

haha... Crazy woman

Halloween at work

Yesterday when I cam to work, they really scared me. Our whole office was like a ghost house. It was a competition, so the best department would win something... Unfortunately housekeeping won. I think our department did great thou!!

Work was fun, I was tired and a lot of annoyed guests. I got two new medallias, so it was a great day:)

Today I am off, so no work until tomorrow when I am concierge.

Since I am concierge, I got two gift cards in the mail yesterday. One of $50 to one of the "talk of the town" restaurants, and on to celebration town tavern. So a total of $100. Made my day!!!!

Scary workplace

Emma... Talking to my alsklingast right now

!!!!I LOVE YOU!!!!

It's a rainy day

Monday night: Me, Crooks, and Erin was invited to soccer practice. So we played... Us and Bozy plus some of the players against the starting 11 for Thursdays game against Rollins. It was a lot of fun... I miss playing, especielly with these two lovely girls. It was a close game, but you could tell that we are "old". Not as fit as we used to:) But don'w worry, we'll be back. It was a lot of fun...

At the end of the game, it was pouring rain. I could not see at all, and the ball could not be played on the ground. It just stopped. So after we slid and I got grass everywhere!!!!

Tuesday and Wednesday have been rough, I am sore!!! Everywhere. Calfs, shoulders, arms, neck... Everything. I was kind of embarrassed, but when I talked to Crooks, she was too. GOOD:)

So now I need to work out to not be sore from just playing some soccer...

Me and Crooks... She changed, but I was still really wet!!


Ok, so work in about 3 hours, leave in about two... Try to clean, get in a better mood, and also work out. We'll see what I can get done of my check list...

Bathroom is done

Trash is out... Nice:)


We went to the store yesterday me and T... Didn't get much done. We're trying to be funny rather than "sexy", because we knew that wouldn't happen:P And it is also boring to buy a already made costume... But neither of us is very... crafty. So I have no idea how this will end up:)

Em and Lexie

My favourite show... Even thou the green one is the best!


Sometimes I just feel so... wierd. Now is one of these moments. I have such anxiety about the past. Like all the mistakes I've made, the friends that I loved that I don't really talk to anymore, and what people think of me. I just want to apologize to the whole world!! But for what?

Everyone have made mistakes, right?
And everyone has some friend that they wished they talked more too?

I don't know... I think I am just wierd... But I'll do it anyway... I'm sorry:(

So now I'm gonna lay like this for a second

I got a card at work...

Yes I am selfish... But it was cute, and made me really happy:) tahnk you so much you two!!:)

So cute:) They were probably drunk, but still:)

Haha... Cute guys:P

Patrick's favourite song... Don't know if he is serious or sarcastic... But I like it:)

And also this one of course

Out after work

I got out early from work... And when I got home there was a praty going on. So I changed real quick, and then we did a little bit of partying... fun! I love coming home, haveing a glass of wine poured for me, even thou I had to take out my clothes from the closet myself:)

We were here for a little bit, then we went to a house party... Before we went downtown for a little. Then back to here... Sleep another time??

Nej nej and Adam


Me and Renne at the house party

Good thing one of us is normal

Awww!! My lovely Ben!

My shoes

That's pretty... Especially Adam drewling?

Hahaha... This is what people came back with to our house. Why?

So what should we do??? Decorate out house with that pumpkin? Because I guess it is one of our neighbours?

Ah... My love!!

How cute... or not? Hahaha

Day party...

This is what is going on while I am at work... But I'm not missing out, right?:) It's ok... They are all so cute updating me through text messages. Love all you, tons!

Looks ok

Some game going on

Yes, we're girls...

Losing team I think?:)

Halloween (lots of pictures)

I was at work... the rest of them carved some pumkins. Next weekend (I guess this weekend?) is Halloween. I dod not know my schedule yet, but I will figure it out. I will probably work, but maybe I will be able to get out early, or just start partying late... Any suggestions for a costume? Me and T have an idea...

Halloween here compared to Sweden is different, or well... they are becoming more similar here now. Overallt thou... In Sweden you are something more halooweenie(?). Like a vampire, ghost and so on. Here... you are just trying to be a big of a slut as possible... Both versions are interesting though...

Beach, ghost, a drunk pumpkin, a pirate pumkin and the GREAT pumpkin

Haha... the drunk one cracks me up...

Some outfits



Love these girls

A little bit of everything

A cat:)

Mile high/high mile captain (10 000 m klubben)

haha... My first year

here... I am a homewrecker... And good thing we only see the face:)

I am sad... I could not find many pictures... No idea where they are. Probably on my broken laptop. And facebook took too long to lookthrough:)


At the moment... I am having a Corolita in my hand, listeing to some good music. Some black eyed peas, but also some old songs like this one for example. I just got back from work... I will go to bed soon... So tired!

It is such a little Corona


Such a cute song

Some soccer

This is what we look like when we travel...

Our Designated Driver:)

Half and half... Sleep or awake



Or are we just drawing stuff? To kill them?!?!

Out last week

I am kind of slow with my updates... Sorry. But now I will try to recover... We went out last week. I was off Saturday and Sunday... GREAT. And of course, we had some Saki's...

Beginiing of the night

Me and Therese posing

Some beer pong going on

The Swedish guys nice house. Like an Aspen house...

Me, Fletcher, and Martina and her sexy look:)

Aww... Givi! I love this picture:)

Bomb threat...

There has been a bomb threat to campus. Wierd... I woke up this morning by a loud alarm "there has been a bomb threat on campus, please go to a parking lot". So of course... our house is crowded right now. So I am about to evakuate. I need to do stuff it all works out. Have a great day!!!


More people

First text

No classes

People here are really happy. No classes. I am not... I woke up early. And still have to go to work... Have a great day!

Working nights...

I don't really like working nights that much. Sometimes I wish I had a 9 to 5 job. I mean I get some stuff done in the morning, but not much. And then when people are hanging out I am at work. And especially this weekend, when Helena gets here. And Crooks will probably be here some too then. Oh well... I do get home at 12.30 so:)

I like work and have fun, so I should not complain. Just that it is something happening here every day, which means that I miss out on something everyday.

But better to have to many choices than no choice:) Time to get ready for work now. First I am going to Abercrombie and Fitch to get something for my brother in law.

Nice hair...

I braided a lot of during Gothia Cup, and if you didn't already know... We didn't lose a game:) Our goal was 54-1. We let in a goal in the last five minutes of the final. Probably not focused enough... But it is ok.

So our last trip, against St Leo, we did some more braiding. I braded my lovely roomates hair. And as you know... We won. 4-1. yeeeah:)


haha.. She's thinking... :)

Winning hair style:)


Mr. Miller was here this weekend, so we decided to play some golf. We got a nice price with my employee discount, so I really want to play soon again.

The first 9 holes, I absolutetly sucked!!! Then I finally picked it up. So the back nine, we were more even. Mr. Miller had to leave to go to the airport, so it was just me, Adam, and Patrick. Patrick one, then Adam one shot behind, and then me with an additional two shots behind. So pretty even.

It was an interesting round of golf. The people working there are SO nice. And the food and the bar is really worth the price. Our cart struggled ones, but just before that I had found a radio... So we called them on our golfcart (which has like a GPS so they just locate you) and we could hear them talking about us on the radio. So I responded, and they got really confused. It was fun thou:)

So a great day of golf, even thou the wind was rough... And I was tired.

Adam about to tee off

Patrick and Adam

I won closest to the pin

Probably missed this one


This would be typicly me... To be clumpsy like this:)

A night at Molly's

Since I am a night person now, I am trying to use my time some after work. So after work yesterday, Adam and his friends were at Molly's. They were celebrating Guses bday. So I decided to meet up with them down town. Molly's is a real typical Irish pub. It was not many people there at all, but we had a good time. I weas tired, so left early. And only God knows what happened after I left.

At Molly's. I of course had a white Russian

Back home again

Me and all the guys

I barrowd my roomates bracelet. Appearantly it is Rihanna's... That the company that he worked for forgot to ship. Something like that. Cool huh:)

Walking the lake

It is cold outside still... So I am walking the lake... In long sleeve, and sweat pants.

My "walking clothes". And our 8 mirrors.

I like there shoes. <They are really comfy.  The only thing is that they are not Nike+, so they do not syncronise with my iPod like the two white pairs. Rough life:)

Sunday Funday...

This is what our Sundays looks like...

Tired, hungry...

I am done with work for today. It was a group in house... DHS. Department of Homeland Security... Shot:) Oh well... They didn't throw me out of the country. They were nice. So 8 hours done for today... Now I am going to Adam. He is cocking me dinner. Then bed early today...

Good night!!!

W against St Leo...

Saturday's game was a lot of fun. Everyone played so well! Renee scored on a great header, Hanna's upper 90 shot from 35 yeards out (especially after their coach saying "if she wants to shoot from there, let her" goal), Princess just beating the goalkeeper, and Hoovers amazing left foot. And everyone else played great too. It was so much fun. I was probably running around the most. I love it. The bench, the coaches, the trainer, everything is just a lot of fun... So win 4-1!! GREAT!!!



This is my mood...

I am really tired and just laying in bed right now... Trying really hard not to fall asleep.  Listening to this song...
Thank God I am not love hung over ("I justed to be love drunk, but now I'm hang over") because then it would be sad. Now, I just like the song...

Bon Fire

A perfect Sunday... After some golf, some delicious Tacos made by Hanna, and a great nap... We went over to Adam's for a little bon fire.

We listened to some good music includion Cat Stevens, Magnus Uggla, Tomas Ledin, Jason Mraz/Lil Wayne and also played some never have I ever. Welcome to freshman year of high school:)

Kristen also brought us all things so make deliscious smores. There joke all night was (want some more? How can yoiu have some more when you haven't had any... some more,! Get that? So dumb)

Instead of using marshmellows, we used halloween ghost peeps. They were really good!!

Everything smells like smoke now, but it was worth it.

THIS WAS A FREEZING NIGHT!!! Global warming? This was global freezing. It is really cold now too.... Brrr....

King of fire and queen of smores

Therese was having a rough time in the heat of the fire, and Adam was just being wierd:)

Hanna and Jackie, and Tillman worshipping the fire?

Me, Therese and the ghost smores

Hanna enjoying her first smores while Martina and Sara are enjoying each other

Mission impossible to take a picture of Patrick, Batmasn, me, AJ and Therese...


Game day...

Game today @ 7pm against St Leo which might be the school's, team's, and especially my personal largest rival. I was commited to go there, but came to Florida Southern instead. I am really pumped and excited. Of course I wish I could play, but with this amazing team it is fine and a lot of fun anyway.

Now I am gonna work out and then meet up with Adam and his dad who's in town...


Watching a movie!! He's just not that into you!! I liked it. Perfect... Colorful, and easy. I like that... My favourite part was when he purposed to Jennifer Aniston, that was cute!!

I did have another favorite part too!!!
They were talking about when you're interested in someone of the opposite(or same I guess) sex, how it is different now from before. Before, people got a haircut or something like that. Now, people just update their profile. That is true. Wierd!!!

Busch Gardens HowloScream!!

Wow, what a fun day. I loved it... I came home from work, we left to eat at Il Forno, and then we left. Me, Jackie, Martina, and Therese all squezeed in in my little car with destination Exit 7, Busch Gardens. It was a great night!!!

At Busch Gardens, you could go both on all the rides as usual, but there was also different scary houses now. There was 7 hourses with different themes, and all scary. People also scared you out on the street, and there was people in the bushes, and everywhere... And the whole park was relatively dark.

The first thing we did was to walk through one of the houses, called recreation. It was stuff about a clinic and doctors... In the line... Martina was like "This is not fun, I'm already scared bla bla bla..." So matcho as I am, I calmed her done, said it was nothing, and I could go first... GREAT! I screamed the whoooole walk through. Was so sweaty when I got out, and probably called for my mum about 100 times. Also squeezed Martinas hand, jumped up on Jackies back, and stepped on Therese's foot... And when we got out... all they did was laughing at me?!?!?!!?!

I don't know why I am such a... little girl. I got so scared. I now I was so worked up so the people in the busches got me bad! I thought I Was gonna pee on myself. But it was fun!!

We also walked through a gas station, a doll house, some country house and more. I did better, and we had a really good time. I loved it!

Of course my camera died, no batteries... But we didn't really have time to take pictures anyway... But I will barrow a few from Martina later.

Pretty people

This is what some of the people looked like... And it is not the look that scares me, it is when they suddle jump at you or screamed something. I am even prepared but they still got me... Especially when it was dark and crowded.

This is what we looked like, especiialy me... I hate when they like... Come out of the mirror! Uagh...

I also kind of overcame a little fear!!!I went on a rollercoaster. I am usually scared and don't like them. But now I did.... They talked me into it and it was so much fun! We met Aj, Tom, Anna, Kristen, and Renee there, so we all went on some rides. We started out by an "easy" one.. But I was really scared on that one... But oh well... Then we went on Kumba! Soooo much fun. I was so nervous so I sang and "hall i hatten", but it was A LOT of fun. I was proud of myself. We also did the flume ride and Therese got soaked... "Linda... I can not see i front of us, what will happen?" And we just DROPPED. Haha... I could not stop laughing. I'm still kind of laughing.


Nice ride!

A great day

I had such a great day today... up in 4 hours so i'll tell you tomorrow....



We're going to Bush Gardens tonight for Howlo-Scream. Fun... But scary. I am excited. I will take a nap now, so that I will not be too tired for it. I know that I will be tired tomorrow for work.

So nap time... And then Busch Gardens in Tampa-Howlo-Scream... SCARY!


...Peace ouT...

My friends went to the beach today...

Ed Hardy and Bath&Body works

I like this brand... The clothes are a little too expensive for me, so I stay with... a lighter!!! Isn't it cute:) I bought this at the gas station yesterday. cute:)

I also love the stupid soap, candles, oils, lotion and everything else from bath and body works. I struggle when I am in that store. I just get so interested in EVERYTHING they have, and EVERY "smell"... Love it.
I got some soap, candle, extra moisturing lotion, foam soap, body scrub, some spray, some travel stuff, and some shea butter... I love it:)

This is some of the stuff that I got... Or well. The Japanese Cherry Blossom. I also got Warm Vanilla. But that is not in the picture (as you can tell) We also have these stuff around the house. Kitchen soap in the kitchen, and foaming soap in the bathroom.

Secret Buddy

Remeber the Secret Buddy things that I told you about... Here is what I got from Sara. We have in out team this Secret Buddy thing. Before the season, everyone pick a name out of jar, to see who they are suppose to give a gift to before every homegame. The gifts are suppose to be around maybe 15 dollars each time, but sometimes it is more, and sometimes late. Ususally it is soccer related stuff, food, Victoria Secret stuff, funny socks... Well... I guess everything! Also notes saying like "play hard", "Kick butt" and so on... Or little letters... "Linda, you are the most amazing..." Just kidding, but you get the idea:)

Since Sara had never experienced this, and I missed it, we decided to be Secret buddies. Dumb as we are, we realized it before the Lynn game, which is the second to last game. I gave her some stuff from VS and some candy.

I got this!!!!

I got a perfume from Coney Island New York, and some GREAT make up from Mac. I also got some chocolate, but I don't know what happened to it:) It's gone...

Fixing some silver

I love how it is so magic. Unfortunately the camera did not really catch the great change, but still... And it is so easy. Just dip them in "the magic liquid" and then it is done...


Magic Stuff


Outlet... Again!

I went to work today since we had a mandatory meeting. Smart as I am... I figured that if I drive that far, I have to do something more then just a meeting. So I went to the outlet...

I got a pair of over-knee boots, and also something for Frida's birthday. Great trip!! Frida's present will be shown later...

My shoes... Kind of

On my way

An experiement

Martina just had such a creative day yesterday. First, her and Renee made cup cakes... For Halloween and their secret buddies I think... Secret Buddy is something we have in our team... Every home game, everyone recieve a gift from their SB... It can be ANYTHING!! Me and Sara decided to do the same since neither of us is part of the team. She had the best gift!! I'll show you later.


Martina and Renee's cup cake

So to the experiement (I don't know how to spell that but whatever... You know what I am talking about)... Martina wanted to try to wax her armpits?! It did not work out so well...I think it was since they were not hairy enough.

A nervous laugh before

Sooo.. How did it go?

Well... It went ok... But we've been more sucessful in our lives. So instead it was pay back time for me... We had one more "pad". Earlier this day, we had played pictionary (and for you how know me, I am VERY competetive). And we played girls vs. guys, and the guys won. And for you that has and IQ larger than a lizards, it was of course due to cheatng. And I was still mad... So pay back time!!

Watch out, me and T are a lot stronger than you might think...

I was working pretty hard

I was gonna go for the eye brow... but he is currently just missing some hair on his leg. Sorry.. Just remember... Don't mess with us!!

Can you meet me half way?!?!

Game Day!!

Time to put your game face on... Hot out, but nice. I will cheer a lot:) Game against Lynn at 2pm.


Fall break!!

Fall break is here, began Friday. So me and Sara were planning on taking a trip to the pool, but of course it was closed. So we layed down at the dock instead. After being at the dock for an hour... It was time for departure to Tampa.

Game at Tampa: Tampa's campus is in the middle of downtown (I think?) so it is a pretty view. It was really hot, and a great day to be a Moccasin:) We won 3-0!! Perfect!!!

Beautiful view at the Tampa field


Brian the trainer

Therese the sun Godess

Go Mocs

Downtown Tampa

Hanna and Jordan

Two amazing assistant coaches


I love free stuff...

Look what I got in the mail yesterday...

Time for a trip to Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works


I love the jewelries that I got at my graduation. For some reason, I love all Efva Attling's jewelries. Most of her jewleries have some a latin word or phrase, and all have some kind of thought behind them.

This one I got from my parents. It says "Amor Vincit Omnia/Love Conquers All" on one side, and "FSC Linda 2/5
2009" on the other. I love it!! Her style, but still personal.

This one I got from the Bjorklund family. I love this one too. "Sic Itur Ad Astra/The Way to the Stars".

Don't worry... I am not getting merried. I just want a ring... I think it is so "femaly" and pretty. And I think this one is cute... Karlek is love in Swedish.... But no ring for a while....

I also like Tiffany...

I got this too, the bracelet from myself... Earrings from mum and dad, and grandma and grandpa...

It is now time to clean some jewelries. I bought this amazing thing... You just dip them in this liquid, and the grey neckless is silver again. Perfect!!!

Swedish Gaga

I think Sweden is taking over!!! Even this song is partly Swedish. He is Swedish, and they speak Swedish... And of top of it.... I love the song!!!

Game day

Game today agains UT (University of Tampa). They won the nationals two years ago, but we beat them twice last year... Lost in over time the year before... So this is kind of a rival game:) And their field is beautiful... Today is also a game in awareness of breastcancer, so I am wearing a pink shirt. How cute:)


Last five days

These last five days have been rough. I've been so tired. Now it is over... and last night I slept for about 14 hours. We had the whole team over to eat Olive Garden... I love when everyone is here. And we had a party in my bed!!:)

Then me, Therese, Givi, Martina, Jackie, Adam, and AJ watched Step Brothers... I really tried to stay awake... But my attempt lasted for about 3 minutes. I can not stay awake watching movies. My ex boyfriend ones told me that I am so boring that usually falls alseep when we watched movies. He said that it was like falling asleep in the middle of a conversation... That is not true, right?? I sure can fade out in the middle of conversations... But I am not THAT rude:)

So after I couple of days of work... I am now fit for fight... With a sour throat and messy room, but it's ok. And I got my paycheck today. Every bi-week Friday...

I've heard this movie is really funny... So I will try to watch it again soon. The red box at school is perfect, since it only cost about a dollar!

Even thou the week was mostly work and practice, I had time to hang out some. Isn't it pretty when the face is just shining from the lotion that I put on??? Or maybe not?! Here Liz and her cute dog was over.

I was soooo jealous... Shouldn't I Be the one that gets the massage? Haha

Criminal Minds...

... is on in 16 minutes. So I am out now... Packing my bag for tomorrow... then bed!!



Sorry for the slow and not so interesting updates in my blog, it has just been a lot of work. Yesterday I was at some wierd...  I don't even know what it was. So I guess I'll tell you later.

My last 3 days I've slept like 15 hours. But it's wierd... I'm not that tired. Only when there is a red light when I am driving home from work...At that time I am about to fall asleep.

Practice the last three days has been a lot of fun too, I am sad when it is over... Wish it was like that always.

I am right now doing training in PBX. It is fun, and time just flies. PBX is like an operator... The phone transfer person. It is fun... A lot of buttons, and a lot to learn, a lot of numbers to memorize, and a lot of proper phrases... Today I mad a big mistake thou... During all my wakeup calls...I accidently tranferred a guest who was suppose to be transfered to front desk to another guest... at 6am in the morning! Ops!! I ran and told my mananger but she just laughed and said it was fine. So hopefully I won't get fired. Got a movie ticket today since I knew the "power of one of the week". Great:)

Alright... After tomorrow... I will do some more fun update on here.. .Now it is just a mess of tiredness and busyness...


Me busy at PBX

My co-worker Drew

Rooms control Heather, PBX Gina, and me...

Coffe klutch at work

Monday morning

Mmmm. I love Monday's... I love everyday... We just had dinner... And some of us a glass of wine... So now I am tired and need to go to bed. And I will definately fall asleep... Love you people!!!


Good thing I can not spell... I mix up the i and e in English becuase e is i in Swedish...Ah, whatever. So yes, a night of Sake!!!! It was a lot of fun... Great people, great food, and just an amazing athmosphere. I had so much fun... We did Sake all night long, and some people got introduced to both Sushi and sake.

Saturday was just such a great day.

-Breakfast with Adam, Martina, Therese and Adam
-Outlet with Therese (bought fun stuff)
-Publix to buy Sushi and sake
-Game... Win in overtime... Perfect!!!
-Home to eat
-Kaus (not so great)
-Was being dumb dumb to Adam, but good thing he just laughs at me... Sorry love...

Sunday morning was not so much fun. I worked for 8 hours, felt like 34 hours.

Mmmm... Sushi

Love these people

One of the most beautiful people in the world... I freakin' love her

Me and T on our way to Kaus... In Tom Collin's truck... So in the bed!!!

SAKI bombs

Tonight, we are eating Sushi. And along with Sushi comes Saki bombs. Last time we had them was when the Alumni's were here. But this is the first time that we are making it ourselfs... So it will be interesting. Excited about tonight... Sushi, lovely people, Saki, new clothes... maybe not the best combination but still.

The only little downside is that I work tomorrow... But you only live ones.

Game now... Against Barry.

Have a great weekend!!!

At Gosh over Alumni weekend



Setting it up

Done... Delicious...:)


I've had a great time today on my day off! After a great Friday night over at Adam's house, we woke up at my house and made some breakfast. Martina and Therese then heard us and woke up aswell... So we all had a nice breakfast... Great start!!!

Then around 10, me and T tried to figure out whtat to do... So at 10.15 we were on our way to Orlando and the outlets.... Wow... Good thing we have a time limit. We were all over Forever 21... And barely made it to any other stores... I laughed a lot, and also wished that my wallet was a lot larger... But good thing it isn't... Because then I would need a larger closet too, right?

I tried on a pair of "overknee boots". I loved them!!! But here in Florida and Lakeland... Maybe I just have to wait til I come home to Sweden...

Alright, time for a soccer game now, but first a 15 minute nap. I hope your Saturday was as good as mine has so far.

Breakfast Saturday morning

On our way

We could not figure it our... But Therese told me that this was the World's, Florida's, or United States' largest Mc'Donald's... So proabaly all the categories...

Me at Forever 21


The damage that was done


New opening

Yes... H&M is finally opening on Florida...Oct 15th, you will most likely see me at the Florida Mall... Close to where I work, perfect!!! Zara is also opening there... Lovely!!!


Why did they use me and my body for the magazine "Shape"? Especially without even telling... I guess I'll have to read it now... Tomorrow is a day for me to catch up my work out:)

A kennel...

Today we had a "dog house" again. First we had really good and easy dinner, then we just watched TV. I was sooo tired so I was about to die. Getting up at 4.40am three days in a row kills me!! It showed off today when I took my little nap and when I woke up I thought that I was missing some of my body parts... Crazy. Off tomorrow thou... Liz was here, it was fun to seew her. And the little puppy and her "dad" Eddie...

Usually I am not a big fan of dogs... But these ones are ok:) There have only been three dogs that I have not been afraid of... And that's because I spend a lot of time with them... One was my neighbours at my summerhouse (now my house) that was always running around... The other one was my best friend Louise little dog, and the third one my boyfriend at that time's dog... Maybe I'll grow up one day and not be scared of them:)

Double U

Double U today for soccer. I would call it (like we do in Sweden) double V. Since it is not a UU it's a VV... Which one does it look like??? W=UU or VV... You crazy americans!! Anyway... So win... 5-0. Great!!! And five different goal scorer. It was fun... I felt dumb thou... I said something to coach at like 6.55, at 7.00 he asked me to tell the team, and I had forgot:) I am so dumb... I am shy... In front of my best friends... Wierd...


Game today against Flagler... These are some pictures from the last game I was at, against Eckerd. I miss playing soccer, but I am so fortune to still be around all the girls... Love it. Plus... I do not have to fitness... Even thou I should:)

Therese is gettig taped... Nice gloves!!


The bench

Helping Morgan



Players and friends


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