We had an 80's night

Last night was a great night, after all. We started out with great dinner with lovely company. Then we played some game, and I looooove games.

Patrik left yesterday, so that was sad. So we said by to him.

We were watching Shakira's music video "She wolf" and we decided that we want to have her body. We were realistic(?) so we did not ask for her moves. I don't even know if that's how I want to move...

So we decided to go work out at the gym. First of all, we were already a little "happy". So we decided to make a fool of ourselves. I'll give some credits to this country thou, people laugh while back home they would look at you wierd. Well... They did here too, but in a different way. You know what I mean. Here it is ok and funny to be wierd, back home it is... Unnormal.

When we finally got to ther gym, it was closed! We forgot that it was Sunday Funday and 10.30pm. So we decided to work out just outside... That worked too.

I was impressed by our workout. And we burned even more calories becuase of how much we laughed.

Then on the way home, we met AJ. He couldn't really believe what he saw... But he joined.

Then we walked by the soccer field for some guys that were playing soccer. And they had kicked the ball over the fence and the guy was trying to kick it over. And wierd as I am... I asked if I could try. His response was "well... You're more than welcome to try, but it has to go OVER the fence. I can't get it over... But good luck". I've never been so nervous, becuase I felt dumb... BUT I GOT IT OVER ON THE FIRST TRY!!!! Then his friends said I was on the team... But I think that is techniqually wrong. But I didn't say anything... 

So then we kept walking... To our house which was about a ten second walk... Well back here we played some more games, and ended our perfect Sunday Funday!!!

I could not find the official video that provided emben (the code)- There's a she wolf in the closet...

On our way


No idea


Call on me...

Call on me...

Oh dumb dumbs

This is how you do it...


And go!

Our athlete

hahaha... Watch the glass door

Where are they?

Haha... good! Keep your head down!


Miss pink



Haha... and I told Martina to keep her butt down

Oh hey

I don't know... My roommates stand exactly the same?! Not me


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