I think I am still tired from the weekend... It might be that I have to get up early too to go to work. Then home, change... and practice. Practice was hot, I felt old, dumb, and slow... But it was still fun.
I am just now about to take a shower, then eat, and then sleep! Maybe look at my "to-do-list" and do at least something.
Here are some of the pictures from the weekend...
I began the night as a desperate housewife
Mmmmm... Laguna Beach in the background
Then we had some home-made pizza
Then we started to get ready. Therese got mad at us... "You guys are not taking this seriously..." Haha... so we had to go change...
Me and my mamacitas
This "little" shot kind of sums up the night... Zambuka Bailey's
I am playing with the HTLM codes...
Good night
Tomorrow there will be more pictures... Since I just got my camera back.
I am right now about to go to bed... Since I have work tomorrow.
- Just got done eating
- We have already done all the dishes
- As of now... Laughing a lot with Sara, Hanna and Adam
- Prepare for the night
- Watch TV in bed
- Sleep
- Get up at 4.37 am
- Get ready
- Drive to work
- Work at 6am
- Work for 8,5 hours
- Drive home
- Practice
- Clean and relax
This might not sound too exciting... But I really like life right now... Even thoug my schedule kind of sucks??
Good night my loves... Thanks for being the best!!!!!!
My lovely girl
This is my lovely niece... I just got a card in the mail. Miss them even more today. And my dad send a picture on all three of them.
This is the thank you card from Anna
Here is all three of them... My loves!!!! Awww... Come heeere!!!
I got these for Adam
Back to work...
I love this baby...
Isn't this cool...
What a weekend
This weekend have been... busy. Friday night we were here first, then we all went out. It was a lot of fun... I think. No, just kidding. But some of us had a rough Saturday morning... But it was a lot of fun.
Unfortunately I lost/forgot my camera, but I have located it now... But will not get it back until maybe tomorrow.So sorry, no pictures.
So Friday night was a fun night out with games, cash cab, lovely friends and good drinks...
Saturday morning was rough, but we all went to Jay's house to lay out, wakeboard, wakeskate, and have a GREAT time! I wake skated for the first time, and it was fun...
Saturday night people went out again, not me thoug. We played pictionary at Adam's house... We lost:( Now it is Sunday morning, and my house looks like a mess. They went out yesterday, but I was too tired. Now I am almost done cleaning, but time for a break. I also made a really nice breakfast buffe for T and Adam... Sorry, no pictures. Even made Mamozas (however that is spelled)...
Now it is Sunday, and I am about to go lay out in the sun. Believe it or not, but I do miss the red leaves at home now.. and especially wearing clothes!!!
Alright... Have a great day, and I hope that your weekend was just as good as mine.
A turtle!!!
Me and Adam was riding our bikes back from his friends house... And we almost ran over this thing... Cool! I am cleaning up my pictures, so I am putting some on here before I delete them...
And I also find this motorcycle that I made at my "old" job. This was what I spend half my time in camp doing... Putting together these... But it was fun.
I want pizza...
Time to google some pizza salad now...
I am in my bathing suite
I was just about to go outside to tan... And it starts to rain... What?!?! So now I am sitting here kind of bored. So I will try to get as much stuff as possible done...
I have been good today!! I washed my car, AND got an oil change... Adam wash his own car thou? I know it cost money... But in this economy, I need to speed it up a little bit. So I paid for a car wash. Perfect!!!
Adam is washing his car
I have to work out today too... Maybe it keeps raining:)
My roomate from N.Y.
My lovely roomate Sara have been listening to this song for a while now... And I like it. She is from N.Y. so maybe she thinks that he is singing to her... Probably not, but that is what I would think:)
And I saw that you guys in Sweden listen to it too, or at least Hanna:)
This is Sara's view from her house... NICE!
new book
Now time for this one instead!!!
I'll admit... the previews are a little... cheezy... But oh well.
I did win Kubb...
Johnna keep thinking that she won the game of kubb that we have... But that is wrong!!! Her and Kayla sure did do really good, but they still lost to me and Wade...
They think that I do not know the rules to the Swedish game, but I do!!
If you throw down the king when you aren't suppose to, you lose. Bottom line.
We'll play soon again thou. Promise... But you both did good... Hahahaha....
beyonce singing for a little girl
You just made my day today with your cute comments both on facebook, blog, and at practice. Ii is good how people can just make someone else happy by just "doing nothing".
The best happiness does not cost anything, and does not require much effort... So write something nice to someone that you care about right now?:)
All the above...
Now I am going to bed to this song. Good night loves!! I am up in 4 hours and 37 minutes... Lovely.
I suck...
Now I am out for today... I am so tired, and need to sleep. Was gonna make pancakes, but that is for another day.
Peace out
Oh no... Check Engine
I made it to work... And back. So I drove to some car guy... and he just plugged it in the a computer, turned the light off, said that it might be some gas leakage, but not to worry about it unless it turns back on again.
So... perfect. I am alive and it cost me nada... So now I am trying to be happy.
Beer pong
Played some beer pong the other day when my lap top was down... also kubb
Ice Cream
Mmmm... Adam made me some catfish which was really good. Then we came up with a great idea... COLD STONE!!! For you Swedes... That is like an ice cream where they mix what you want on cold stones. I feel sick now, but it was really really good.
Yesterday was such a great day!!! We started out with a soccer game (not the best result, but oh well), then we went home and I had about five minutes of quality time with T. Then we got ready, to go to Crooks. She had us over for a "girls" night to her new apartment and also for a belated birthday.
It was lovely!!!! The people is just amazing, the car ride hillaroius, the wine delicious, and Crooks is just perfect herself. I love thos nights. My best friends, wine, some crackers and fruit, playing games, and just having a great time. The only little thing was that I had to work the day after... at 6am!!! Which means that I had to leave around 5am. Puh...
After Crooks we went to "the Swedes'" house. What a party... A lot of people, a lot of music, a lot of laughing, and a lot of interesting everything. That was fun! Good to see everyone. But since I worked early, I left early.
Unfortunately I could not fall alseep until 3.30 am, and I had to get up at 4.45am. Just a little more than 1 hour of sleep!!!! Oh no...
But I made it in time, and the day went by fast and it was fun. I learn more and more every day.
When I got home, I sleept in my lovely boyfriends lap for about 4 hours... His friends was making fun of me for all my noices, but that's what happens when you sleep in the living room and is really really tired!! Now I am recovered, and not too tired.
Me at work today... The coffe at 8 saved me thou
Oh nooo!!!
We can not stop laughing
Me, Therese, Martina and Sara are here...
We are sitting at my house right now... Listening to music that hits you right in the spinal cord.... That's how good it is...
Alumni Weekend
Last weekend was Alumni weekend. For all the "old" players like me to come see each other again. It was a great weekend, and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we didn't get to play since we got rained out. But that might have been good for some....
We watched the games, ate dinner, went out, had lunch, talked about good memories, and had an over all great time.
The weekend is specially dedicated to Meghan and Taylor... So it is also a memorial weekend. They were both victims of car accidents... and we miss them all the time, both on and off the field.
Coach and Melissa
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly
Some Alumnis
Love you!! both!!!!
Missing my mum and watching Annie
Du ar bast mamma!!!!!!
After the game the other day, and since Helena was in town, we went to Chilli's. Some guy made us balloon stuff, and we had a great time!!
Therese in her beautiful hat
Haha, some crazy people
Mojito's... One regular and one Strawberry
Mmmm... food
Hahaha... I love how well Sara made all the potatoes fit
Me and Crooks...
a day out with work people
Some nice shots... And people from work
Then I was dead tired
We are N.E.R.Ds
I went to the Under Armour outlet... I would call that investment... Plus that I bought some work out clothes... and just buying it will make me a little fit, right?
Last day at work
I had a lot of fun out in recreation... I will still stay on call. But now I am full time at front desk.
Last day at work was slow. We ended the day by going down the water slide. It was fun!!!
Going down the slide
Me, Manny, and Court had a great day
Listening to Music
I am really tired today, I do not feel like working out, and the weather isn't very good. So I am just inside listening to some music, cleaning, and having some time to myself (which is usually not common and which I usually hate).
This song gives me flashbacks to when I was younger and listened to hide and seek
I fall in love by just listening to this song...
Haha... love you like a fat kid love food... That's a lot of love....
My first Check in
MTV music Award
My new job
Tough but fun weekend...
Game day
My "today's to-do-list" already has a lot of checkmarks on it... and the day is far from over.
Game today against Thomas @ 5pm. Then Alumni dinner. I am so excited about seeing all the old players. Then tomorrow we have the Alumni game. Wiiiieee, then even I get to play, and not just watch. Come on oldies... Let's put our game faces on tomorrow... But for today... Youngies... your game face!!!
If you like someting...
Most people, especially girls, wants to be "tiny/small/little" and are trying to lose weight...
But I go by this motto:
- I shouldn't care about people that does not like me?
- And for the people that like me...
- The more it is of me...
So the conclusion is that "bigger is better"(?)
Wow... I should almost get the noble prize... and on that note. I am out... TO WORK OUT(?)!!!!! Dubble standard...
Last day of work
At the end of the day, we decided to go down the slide. That was A lot of fun. I will give you pictures later. Since my own laptop is not working, I am waiting to put up pictures from my own camera. But it was fun, and it is almost sad that I am done working... But... fron des, here I come...
Monday is my first day at my new job... Monday... Which means that I am off all weekend!!!
September 11th
This morning I have been watching the History channel all morning. I am sensetive I think... What a tragedy... And it makes me cry. So now I am gonna tell my family and friends that I love you and I am so happy to have you... You make my day every day! Love you!!
It is frustrating
I am getting really crazy not to have a lap top at the moment. I am trying to save some money, but had to order a new lap top. I want a Mac... But since I am only in this country for one more year, I ordered a cheaper Dell. Then I can order a Mac maybe in Sweden later, with the right keyboard with åäö letters. I ordered a pink one(?) I am usually not the pink girl, but it looked cute. Plus that I donated money to something for purchasing that one.
So now I am waiting for it to get here... September 23rd at the latest. So probably September 23rd then:) apologize for a relatively boring blog at the moment, but I don't have a lap top, and for sure no pictures... So just hang on... Sorry about that!!!
My broken laptop
My new laptop
My lap top broke down...
A pretty boring start of this Tuesday
This morning wasn't very exciting. I am just putting together stuff to the Alumni Weekend... Which is this week. Just figuring out how many T-shirts and dinners... Then I've been cleaning.
Now it is time to pack... Becasue tonight after work we are going out. "Dress night". Hopefully that will be fun. And tomorrow I am off. So tomorrow I will try to make up for some missed time with my friends and Adam.
Alright... I will let you know.
Oh... And I scratched my back yesterday... So my mole/leverfläck/musfläck fell of. Is that dangerous? It hurts...A And looks ugly....
Therese thought that I was the biggest "kid lover" ever, and so did I. They just bring so much happiness to the world, can make you smile regardless of what mood you are in... and are always so innocent. But yesterday was enough. Yesterday at work was terrible... Kids everywhere. And they were annoying. From now on, if I ever have sex, it will be with 7 condoms and 24 pills. Plus that they got me sick... So now I am tired, and with a soar throat. And my lap top is not my best friend at the moment...
So sorry. More updates will be tomorrow. Now it is time for a nap (since I've been up for 2 hours) and then go to work.
I love kids... but just need a little break. Btw... I feel like a lot of my friends are building families now. Both here and in Sweden. They are all so cute... Am I behind? Because it will take me a while.
Have a great monday, my beginning of the week could begin better... but also a lot worse. I woke up:)
More updates tomorrow.
Haha, wow.
Interesting fabric
Me today
It's ok... Still love them
Proud Sister
Happy Birthday Crooks!
Strenght to me is not being able to lift a certain amount, bench press, push ups... Stuff like that. Strenght is when you have two pieces of chocolate, and only eat one of them. That is strenght!
I had to buy some hair products...
Labor Day Friday
Yesterday at work was fun. It was dead at first, but then people started to come down to the pool to celebrate their weekend. Crok's bar had Kareoke, and I can say that some sang better than others.
I learned a new game... Something with cups. You're suppose to make like a tower, and then stack them as quickly as possible. It was fun... If you have questions, let me know:) Now I am getting ready for another day at work...
My two Supervisors are singing-Bon Jovi
Slide by night
Nef and Me with Crok's, and me trying to not get bit my the Moskitos
Why is there so many Swedes...
I think I am wierd... But only sometimes:)
Isn't it pretty/cool/good looking
My t-shirt... haha
What I Bought for Therese
Shake shake...
My Milkshake
This weekend it is Labor Day weekend at work. So tonight I am in camp... doing arts and Crafts. And we also have kareoke, hair wrap, air brush tattoo, plus a lot of more. I am excited... Haha. Plus some woman made my day yesterday. She gave me a $40 tip... For taking care of her two daughters, which was just fun anyway. Yesterday was a good day.
Time for another walk...
The sun is shining and I have some stuff to do. But it all comes down to that I am now talking a walk, with my good book, and Nike+. Nike+ is a thing that connects your workout to the iPod. You put one little ship in your left shoe, and the sensor is in the iPod... Or the other way around:)
My shoe, my iPod, my water, the iPod "holder" and I am good to go. The water stays home thou... Waiting for me.
The summary of a walk... -Distance -Time -Pace -Calories burnt
What a perfetct morning
I woke up today to a great breakfast. That was such a perfect start of the day. My boyfriend is just amazing.
Kind of dark... But nice!!
Bagel with Egg, Ham, and Cheese, and vanilla yoghurt with Rasberries and Strawberries...
I hope that you had just a good of a start of the day as I did.
In the Cyber Cafe
I found out that I get done with Recreation next Friday, and begin Front Desk next Monday. So weekend off... Perfect. That is the Alumni weekend too. New job, new hair cut... Is this a new life style? And on top of it... Playing wii fit. Haha. Plus that my bed is made every morning and my room is neat!!! Nice! Ok, I am leaving now. Time for Stieg Larsson again. This is the book that I have on tape right now... So I am listening to it in Swedish... Since he is Swedish:)
Oh, and for you crazy Americans... Yes, you can comment on the blogg. It is not that hard... "Kommentera".. Click there and then it is easy. I am proud of Crooks, she could figure it out no problem. But then she is wonder woman too:)
Tom's shoes...
Therese's lunch...
Haha... Therese came in to my room and showed me her lunch. It was one of these things that you make yourself... by mixing like two things and some water. It was shrimp pasta... I really hope it's a lot of pasta... Since she got like 4 little little shrimps...
On their way...
I just said bye, have fun, and good luck to the Soccer team. They just left to go to... Mass, NH, and, Rhode Island. Fun. I am jealous. I want to go to Boston, Chicago, and New York, and they are going to Boston now...
I will miss them a lot. I wish I could come. Or I wish even more that I could put every single one of them... oh well... everyone but one. No, I'm just kidding:).. I wish I could put every single one of them in a suitcase and bring back with me to Sweden. They all make me laugh, smile... And just always puts me in a good mood. My little favorites/babies/menthors/everything!!!
I love every single one of them.
Have fun and good luck!!! I'll send out a mass text in about 7 minutes:) And Lexie... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Oh, and I am soooo honord. I made the webpage... I am not doing much good. Only cheering. And I am so happy I get to be there:)
Assistant Coach: Linda Hoglund (Florida Southern '09)
I just cut my hair...
The hair dresser was RELLY nice... And of course... Seh was my old coach's cousin. They are everywhere. She was really nice, and very proffessional... So you Lakelander's... Pat's Hairdesign. My favourite part is how she massaged my head for a while... WOW!
I hate cutting my hair. The lights just maked me look so ugly... I look like I just cried for 6 hours. I love how it feels so fresh thou. It is a lot fresher, and looks better in real life than picture....
Before After
I Like this haircut
I got a new job...
Yes, I went on an interview today for a new job... At the same Hotel and Resort that I am at right now. And I got it... So soon I will be a "Front Desk Agent"... Nice. Sounds flashy at least:)
Men alla ni svenskar som tror att ni inte har hög lön... Vi är bortskämda tror jag i Sverige. Kanske är att klyftan är stor här... Men endå.
There is a large different between salaries in the US compared to Sweden. But there is also Tax differences and "raise with time" I guess...
On My Way to the Interview
Som pictures from my time off "Since saturday at 3.30"
Look what we found sunday morning
Me and Adam at Il Forno
Playind some Wii Fit (photographer T)
Me and Therse at lunch
Making dinner
Therese had a sour throat, so I made her some tea. And I got an amazing massage!
Haha... Sara's "Kiss o bajs"... Pee and poop. We're wierd:)
I'm not the one that will call you sexy, I will call you beautiful...
I heard that in a song today, and just thought it was cute. It made me think of in the beginning when me and Adam had just met...
I was just sitting down watching TV after a soccer practice. I was all sweaty and ugly. And he just looked at me and said I was beautiful... (?) I looked back at him to see if he was blindfolded, drunk or just kidding. But he wasn't. He said "no, that's what I really like... You are so beautiful, especially when you don't even try"...
And of course... I girl as I am... My first thought was.. "So I am ugly when I try?" But then... Why not just appriciate the comment. So I did, and maybe thats when I fell in love:)
I love life today...
After doing a lot of errands today, me and T are now making dinner. We had a delicious lunch downtown today, at Terrace Hotel. Then we got home, took a nap... and then hung out with lovely people.
After playing some games, watching sex and the city, and having a good time, we are now making dinner at Adam's right now while having some quality time. Dinner smells really good. Potatoe cake? Or Rosti.. Don't know what it is called in English. And steak... And sallad. Mmm...
The best is the music thou. Katie Melua, Anna Ternheim, and Eva Cassidy... If I was a boy... I love I say no and Closest Thing to Crazy. To these songs, you can call me Dr. Lyrics:)
Ok... Time to check the potatoes. Love!! (Therese just corrected my spelling of potatoes... AGAIN!!! I always spell it potatoe, and tomatoe... haha... She's laughing here next to me)